happy書家 いち咲


筆を持って3年。独学のため自分の直感が全ての基準。穂先の長い特殊な筆を使い、濃墨をつけて勢いよく描く。利き手と違う左手で描くことで制限が生まれ、なんとも言えない直感的なラインが誕生。それが書や絵に個性的なインパクトを残している。そもそもなぜ、急に筆を持って描きはじめたのか? 一言でいうなら「あなたも幸せになっていいんだよ」というメッセージを伝えるため。世界中を旅し、いかに日本人には自分軸を持ったオトナが少ないことに衝撃を覚えた。


主な展示は、2020年にソロでMake happy with ART(愛媛)を開催。2021年に個展(東京)に出展。ART雑誌和モダンにも掲載(20207)

Ichisaku is a Japanese calligraphy artist based in Ehime, Japan.


Three years ago, he started his carrier as calligraphy artist.


He studies by himself and follows what come from his intuition. Uses special long tip calligraphy brush and draws strong stroke with thick ink called Kozumi.


His impressive strokes are born from left hand as not his dominant hand. While it is giving unique impact on his work, his view of unique world is expressed with additional decoration such as paper collage and gold leaf.


However, why he suddenly starts drawing calligraphy in the first place? If say it in one word, to convey message “you can be happy too”. By traveling around the world, he was shaken how few adults feel in happy (how few adults have actually their own axis) in Japan.


“What is the happiness?” he continuously asks himself this eternal proposition, then he translates the messages come into him to his work and produces it to the world.


He held “Make happy with ART exhibition (Ehime)” in 2020.


Published in “ARTBOOK of selected illustration WaModern 2020”.


Exhibit at “Contemporary Artist Piece Exhibition 2021 AN MUSEUM X”



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